Our pantry has been very active lately – it’s not uncommon for us to serve over a dozen families each day! Here are the items we currently need most:
Food: Canned beef stew Canned chili Canned Beefaroni / macaroni and beef Canned pasta without meat / original Spaghettios Canned chicken
Personal Care Items: Shaving cream or gel Toothbrushes Tissues Diapers in all sizes Depends in all sizes
Pantry donations can be dropped off at Kenwood Baptist Church (8341 Kenwood Rd) Monday-Thursday from 9:00-4:00. NEEDS volunteers are on site every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-1:00. Thank you!
NEEDS appreciates all donations to our mission to assist families in northeast Cincinnati with emergency financial needs.
We receive a large part of our funding in the last two months of the year. If you’d like to make an end-of-year financial donation your can do it either:
NEEDS would like to thank three local schools for their support!
Just before Thanksgiving, families and faculty at Montgomery Elementary School donated over 600 food and personal care items to the NEEDS pantry.
Students from E.H. Greene Middle School not only held a food drive to support NEEDS and other groups, but made a trip to the NEEDS pantry to help organize donated items.
Madeira Elementary School welcomed NEEDS volunteers with colorful signs…and so much food that it could barely fit in the car!
NEEDS pantry coordinators Janie and Maureen say that it’s heartwarming to see young people eagerly serving others. These students’ energy and enthusiasm are infectious! NEEDS is so grateful for the generosity of families and faculty at each school.
1. Donate food and supplies to our pantry.
We are always in need of nonperishable food, as well as personal care
items like shampoo, deodorant, and feminine care products. You can drop
off your donation on Giving Tuesday from 9:00-4:00. (Can’t make it that
day? No problem – donations can be dropped off at Kenwood Baptist Church
any Monday-Thursday.)
2. Share your time.
NEEDS is open to serve our community every Tuesday and Thursday from
9:00-1:00. We need volunteers to staff our pantry and desk each week,
greeting our clients and fulfilling requests.
3. Make a financial donation. Your contribution on Giving Tuesday will help us to support our community throughout the year.
The weather is getting colder. The holiday season is just a few weeks away. Many of us are making plans to celebrate Thanksgiving with family…and then celebrate all of the great shopping deals available on Black Friday and Cyber Monday!
This year, why not keep the fun going on Tuesday?
Mark your calendar for December 3, 2019 – Giving Tuesday!
Launched in 2012, Giving Tuesday is an opportunity for individuals and groups around the world to join in giving back to their communities. And investing in our community is exactly what we do at NEEDS – whether we’re providing food to the less fortunate, or offering financial assistance to keep local families in warm homes.
Please partner with NEEDS this Giving Tuesday!
How you can help:
1. Donate food and supplies to our pantry. We are always in need of nonperishable food, as well as personal care items like shampoo, deodorant, and feminine care products. You can drop off your donation on Giving Tuesday from 9:00-4:00. (Can’t make it that day? No problem – donations can be dropped off at Kenwood Baptist Church any Monday-Thursday.)
2. Share your time. NEEDS is open to serve our community every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-1:00. We need volunteers to staff our pantry and desk each week, greeting our clients and fulfilling requests.
3. Make a financial donation. Your contribution on Giving Tuesday will help us to support our community throughout the year.
For the last four years, the students at St. Xavier High School compete with each other to see who can bring in the most non-perishable food items for NEEDS!
The students go in their neighborhoods and request non-perishable donations and then bring them to school where they are weighted to see who brought in the most!
This year on November 3, St X alumni) Tom Young and Dean Backscheider (in photo above) brought the donations of canned fruit, vegetables, cereal and other much needed supplies.
Over 3,700 pounds of food were donated!
NEEDS volunteers came in to sort and stock the generous donation. With the holidays coming up, this will help many families have a good holiday.
Thank you St. Xavier High School!!!
You can drop off a donation of nonperishable food, household supplies (laundry and dish soap), or personal hygiene items to:
Kenwod Baptist Church 8341 Kenwood Rd Cincinnati, OH 45241
Our volunteers are there Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 am-1:00 pm. You can drop off donations at the church office Monday-Thursday 9:00 amd-4:00 pm.
Please send us an email cincyneedspresident@gmail.com or phone (513) 891-0850 to tell us you are dropping off a donation, so we can be prepared.
In keeping with the tradition of the last few years, All Saints Church and School held their annual Bob Meyer Memorial Food Drive for NEEDS and collected over 3000 non-perishable food items, personal hygiene and household cleaning supplies. The collection was held October 7-13, 2019 and students who participated earned community service/confirmation hours. The items were delivered to the NEEDS pantry on October 14, 2019.
Seventh grade students, teachers, parents and NEEDS volunteers helped carry items into the pantry and sort them.
The collection is held each year in memory of Bob Meyer who took a special interest in this project by distributing signs, collecting, organizing and delivering the items collected. He died in 2017.
The shelves at NEEDS run low this time of year and we are all extremely grateful for this wonderful outpouring of love.
If you would like to organize a collection drive for NEEDS, please email us via our Contact Us page. We appreciate it!
October 5 and 6, 2019 was the WE CAN food collection weekend at Montgomery Community Church on Montgomery road. The church donates non-perishable food to NEEDS 4 times a year!
Thank you to Montgomery Community Church and to Sarah Bowman for heading this up!
If your church would like to organize a food collection for NEEDS, please contact our Food Pantry Director Maureen Flanagan at m2flanagan@aol.com.
Montgomery Community van loaded with donations for NEEDS