July Impact

In July, NEEDS kicked off our annual Student Assistance Drive. Meanwhile, volunteers stayed busy responding to requests for food and emergency financial assistance.

Here are the past month’s totals:

During the month of July, the NEEDS pantry provided food to 168 families – for a total of 587 people!

NEEDS also provided emergency financial assistance to 18 families, distributing $7455.00 to cover rent and utilities.

Now Through August 31: Student Assistance Drive

NEEDS is holding our annual Student Assistance Drive!

In just a few weeks, students in the Deer Park, Sycamore, and Princeton districts will return to school – but many families in these districts cannot afford school supplies, or even necessities like food and clothing. NEEDS is seeking donations of gift cards and money to help purchase supplies for the beginning of the school year, and to provide students with warm winter clothing in December. You can help!

What to donate:
– Gift cards from stores such as Walmart, Target, and Kroger
– Visa and Mastercard gift cards
– Gas cards (many families live in areas where busing is not available)
– Check (marked for Student Assistance Drive)

Please mail your gift card or check to:
c/o Kenwood Baptist Church
8341 Kenwood Rd
Cincinnati OH 45236

You can also donate through PayPal on our website: https://cincyneeds.org/donate-volunteer/

Please donate by August 31. Thank you!

June Impact

The NEEDS pantry is having an exceptionally busy summer, serving hundreds of people each month. Requests for emergency financial assistance increased in June.

Here are the latest totals:

During the month of June, the NEEDS pantry provided food to 171 families – for a total of 565 people!

NEEDS also provided emergency financial assistance to 15 families, distributing $6099.00 to cover rent and utilities.

Eat at City Barbeque to Support NEEDS!

City Barbeque is donating back to NEEDS – you can help by eating!

When: Thursday, June 22
Where: City Barbeque, 10375 Kenwood Rd
How: City Barbeque will donate 20% of dine-in, takeout, drive-through, and pickup order proceeds to NEEDS. When placing your order, please let City Barbeque know that you are supporting NEEDS (for online orders, use code FundA).
RSVP and more details: www.groupraise.com/events/253351

Current Pantry Needs

The NEEDS pantry served over 600 people in May! As we work to meet the needs of our community, the pantry shelves are quickly depleted. You can help by donating some of our most-needed items.

Please check out our top needs below, but know that anything you choose to donate will be put to good use!

Donations can be dropped off at Kenwood Baptist Church during our open hours (Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-1:00). Thank you!

Top Five Needs:
Laundry detergent
Sanitary pads

Other Needed Items:
Canned black beans
Canned beef ravioli
Boxed cereal

May Impact

Last month, the NEEDS pantry served over 100 more people than in April – including 19 families seeking help from NEEDS for the first time. As we move into the summer, it’s clear that need in our community doesn’t take a vacation!

Here are the latest totals:

During the month of May, the NEEDS pantry provided food to 172 families – for a total of 608 people!

NEEDS also provided emergency financial assistance to 9 families, distributing $3914.00 to cover rent and utilities.

Volunteer Treasurer Needed!

NEEDS is seeking a new volunteer treasurer and/or volunteer bookkeeper. This is a challenging, fulfilling, and vital role in helping NEEDS to feed and assist our neighbors in northeast Cincinnati – all done at home and on your schedule!

Duties include working with other assistant treasurer volunteers to record donations, pay expenses, and prepare and present financial reports at our monthly board meeting. Accounting or bookkeeping experience highly desired. QuickBooks experience very helpful.

For information on this volunteer position, contact Carol Topp (current treasurer) at 513-777-8342 or CarolToppCPA@zoomtown.com.

April Impact

The NEEDS pantry served more families in April than in any previous month this year. Requests for emergency financial assistance increased as well. Here are the latest numbers:

During the month of April, the NEEDS pantry provided food to 151 families – for a total of 507 people!

NEEDS also provided emergency financial assistance to 17 families, distributing $7138.00 to cover rent and utilities.

Freestore Foodbank Hunger Walk

Each year, the Freestore Foodbank hosts a Memorial Day Hunger Walk fundraiser to benefit its partners – including NEEDS. Registration fees and all other donations are given back to each partner to help feed people in their neighborhoods.

This year’s Hunger Walk will take place downtown on May 29, but you don’t have to walk in the live event in order to sign up and earn money for NEEDS! Simply visit http://cincinnatihungerwalk.org and join team NEEDS!

You can also register as an individual or create your own team. Just be sure to choose NEEDS as your community agency – and remember that 100% of money raised in our name will go directly to NEEDS!
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