Month: January 2022

Current Pantry Needs

The NEEDS pantry has been busy! This month, donations of toiletries and household items would be especially appreciated. Please check out the list of most-needed items below.

Donations can be dropped off during NEEDS’ open hours (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-1:00). Thank you!

Canned Food:
Mixed vegetables
Baked beans

Home and Personal Care:
Laundry detergent
Liquid dish soap
Pump hand soap
Shampoo and conditioner
Feminine pads and tampons
Body wash
Baby wipes
Depends / generic equivalent (any size but XL)

December Impact

As 2021 drew to a close, requests for food remained steady, while requests for financial assistance increased.

During the month of December, the NEEDS pantry provided food to 102 families – for a total of 357 people!

NEEDS also provided emergency financial assistance to 16 families, distributing $7011.82 to cover rent and utilities.