Month: June 2024

Vacation Bible School Holds Drive for NEEDS

Pantry coordinator Maureen shared this story of generosity during NEEDS’ most challenging season:

“How much can you expect from very young kids? It turns out to be a LOT!

When Madeira Silverwood Presbyterian Church’s Vacation Bible School program offered to hold a food drive for the NEEDS pantry, we didn’t expect a big donation. But the kids and their families were overwhelmingly generous. For a relatively small congregation, their donations filled an SUV to the max with items that will keep our pantry stocked for the weeks ahead.

Summer is the most demanding season for the NEEDS pantry. All the usual organizations that hold drives for us are closed and church members are on vacation. Our shelves empty quickly as more children are at home and doing without their subsidized school breakfasts and lunches.”

Want to follow these kids’ example? Click HERE to learn more about how you can support NEEDS this summer!

Learning and Sharing at the Earth Care Festival

On June 15, Evergreen Presbyterian Church hosted a festival to celebrate the earth and share information about how we can all be better stewards of our planet — and NEEDS was invited to participate! We shared a booth with the Society of St. Andrew, a national group that “gleans” or gathers donated food and produce from farmers’ markets or fields and provides it to food pantries and agencies that work with those in need. The NEEDS pantry receives gleaned items from the Montgomery Farmers’ Market every Saturday from May through October, enabling us to offer fresh fruit, vegetables, and bakery items to those seeking our help. The Earth Care Festival was a great opportunity to show our community how food that would otherwise go to waste can be used to feed our neighbors.

Festival attendees offered food and financial donations to NEEDS, and several provided their contact information in order to volunteer at the pantry. Thank you to Evergreen for including us!

Current Pantry Needs

Summer is the most challenging season for the NEEDS pantry. The schools that hold large food drives for us are closed, and many other supporters are away on vacation. You can help by donating some of our most-needed items!

This month’s top needs are canned chicken soups; packaged side dishes, such as stuffing, pasta and rice mixes, and potato dishes; and laundry detergent.

Other much-needed items are listed below.

Nonperishable Food:
Canned collard greens
Canned pineapple
Canned beans (kidney and pinto)

Personal Care:
Deodorant (men’s and women’s)

Donations can be dropped off at Kenwood Baptist Church during our open hours (Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-1:00). You can also donate via our Amazon Wish List, and your donation will be shipped directly to the pantry!