Good Shepherd Lutheran’s Souper Bowl of Caring

The Super Bowl may be over, but NEEDS continues to benefit from football-themed giving events! Pantry coordinator Maureen shared:
“Each year, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church marks Super Bowl weekend with what they’ve dubbed the Souper Bowl of Caring — a drive to support the NEEDS food pantry. The recent results were every bit as exciting as the big game itself, with over $1,800 donated in addition to a full carload of nonperishable food and personal/household supplies.
The church’s Tween Group provided the energy behind the drive. They collected, sorted, dated, and packed all of the items for delivery to the NEEDS pantry.
To spice things up a bit, the drive included a competition between three ‘soup pots’: Chiefs, 49ers and Taylor Swift. The winners were Taylor Swift and, of course, the NEEDS pantry. The funds and items collected will boost our ability to meet the emergency food needs of our less fortunate neighbors.”
Thank you, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church!
Want to support NEEDS or hold a fundraiser? Learn more here: