Reminder: The Piggest Raffle Ever!

Interested in supporting NEEDS…and winning cash? The Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon’s Piggest Raffle Ever is the perfect opportunity!
Now through April 30, you can purchase raffle tickets for $5 each – with 100% of your donation going directly to NEEDS! On May 1, the Flying Pig will draw a winner of $5000 cash. The winner’s charity will also receive $5000! While everyone is welcome to celebrate Flying Pig race weekend, you do not need to be present in order to win.
Entering the raffle is easy! Just visit and select NEEDS from the drop-down list of charities. Then choose your number of tickets and click “Adopt.”

If you are a runner, you can also support NEEDS when you register for a Flying Pig race event. For more information about registration discounts and other perks, visit our Facebook page.
NEEDS is so excited to participate in the Piggest Raffle Ever. Thank you for your support!